Revelation for a Father

Revelation for a Father

Intro: In every people group there are fathers who love and provide for their children. They each have something in them that connects with our Father in Heaven. Our prayers can focus the attention of the Holy Spirit on one of these fathers.

Scripture: Who should not revere you, O King of the nations? This is your due. Among all the wise men of the nations and in all their kingdoms, there is no one like you. -Jeremiah 10:7

Prayer: God of Glory, who can be compared to you? You are faithful and true, redeeming that which is lost and restoring that which is broken. You are worthy of all our worship and devotion.

Lord, You are the greatest father of all, and I know that Your heart aches over Your children who do not yet know You. I pray for the {TARGET} today Lord and I agree with Your heart for them.

I join with You Lord in Your longing to touch them, and I focus my prayer today on one of the fathers. The one who is crying out for peace. Lord, You know who he is, and I’m agreeing with Your heart for him. Visit him Lord with Your presence, and comfort him with Your revelation. Break in upon the darkness of his soul, with Your wonderful light.

Draw this father into fellowship with You Lord, and begin a legacy in his family that will honor You for generations to come. In Jesus name, amen.

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