Invite {TARGET} to the Lord’s Banquet
Scripture: And the LORD of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain; A banquet of aged wine, choice pieces with marrow, And refined, aged wine. -Isaiah 25:6
Prayer: I thank You Lord for preparing a banquet for us, and for giving us free access through Your sacrifice. You are the Lord high and lifted up, and You reign forever and ever and there is no end to Your kingdom.
As a servant of the Most High God, I announce the coming of the Lord’s banquet, and I speak to {TARGET} now in Jesus name. Your place is reserved at the Lord’s table. Your seat has been purchased by the blood of the Lamb. We need you there, to complete the worship of our Savior on that day.
I speak across the heavens in Jesus name and I invite {TARGET} to join us at the Lord’s table. I proclaim in the heavenlies that you are welcome and are needed to complete the Body of Christ. Jesus has prepared the way for you, His love and His grace calls to you. As His servant, I invite you and welcome you to receive what He has prepared for you. In Jesus name, amen.