Prosperity for {TARGET}
Scripture: But the humble will inherit the land, And will delight themselves in abundant prosperity. -Psalms 37:11
Prayer: Lord, You are master of the universe. You set the bondaries of the seas and You command the elements. Nothing is beyond Your reach, and all power and authority are in Your hand.
Lord as You look down upon {TARGET}, You see the needs of the people, those trapped in poverty, those struggling with debt, even those who are trapped by their wealth.
I come before You Lord to ask for the prosperity of {TARGET}. A blessing on those who are humble according to Your word. Lord rasie up those who will not be trapped by wealth, and establish those who have generous hearts.
Bestow upon the humble today Lord, the opportunities they need to move forward, and allow them to inherit the land, and live in abundant prosperity, according to Your word. In Jesus name, amen.