Arise! Oh Lord
Scripture: “For the needy will not always be forgotten, Nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever. Arise, O LORD…” -Psalms 9:18-20
Prayer: Lord, You have the name that is above every name, and all honor and glory belong to You. You are a righteous God, and a God of mercy. I come to You now, Lord, as the God whose mercies endure forever.
I bring to Your attention the afflicted and needy people of {TARGET}: the families and the children who are caught up in this crisis. Lord, I bring them to Your remembrance, those that You know by name, and I say, “Arise, Oh Lord, in Your mercy, and come to their aid.”
Hear their cries, O Lord, and bring to them the comfort, relief and hope that they need. Lord, let Your mercies prevail over any judgments involved with this crisis, and stand in their midst between despair, and hope. Do not let the needy be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted perish, Arise O Lord and come to their aid. In Jesus name, amen.