Spiritual Breakthrough for {TARGET}
Scripture: “The LORD will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies.” -Isaiah 42:13
Prayer: Lord, You are the creator of all things, seen and unseen. You are high and lifted up, and You have the name that is above all other names. You have all power and authority, and there is no end to Your Kingdom. You are God forever and there is no other.
Lord, I bring the people of {TARGET} before You. We know there are spiritual forces that would seek to take advantage of this crisis. So we come before You Lord as advocates for the people of {TARGET}, and we ask that You would break through the schemes and plans of darkness. Break the power of hopelessness and despair. Cut through the cloud of darkness that oppresses, and where the enemy has come in one way, send him out in seven directions.
Jesus, I ask that You consider the poor and oppressed of {TARGET}, the widows and orphans, and those who love peace. Let Your compassion be stirred, and Your anger aroused. Come as a mighty warrior Lord, raise a war cry over {TARGET}, and press back those powers of darkness that work against Your purposes.
Lord, may this crisis trigger a spiritual breakthrough for the people of {TARGET}, release them from ancient strongholds and bring them into a place of spiritual freedom. Come to their aid Lord. Let the light of Your presence shine down upon them, and comfort those those who are suffering. Undergird the efforts of the pastors and believers in this place, and smile down upon {TARGET} with Your presence. In Jesus name, amen.