Spiritual Leaders Come to Christ

Spiritual Leaders Come to Christ

Intro: Spiritual leaders are gatekeepers in the community. They are key to opening doors for the Gospel. When they have a revelation, they tell everyone about it. If they have an encounter with Christ, everyone will hear about Him.

Scripture: The LORD has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations. -Psalms 98:2

Prayer: Lord, You are the true God, and there is no other. Your name is above all other names. There is no one who is like You, no one who can compete with Your love and faithfulness. Your name is worthy to be shouted from rooftops and glorified in every place on earth!

Lord, make Your salvation known to the {TARGET}. Call to account their spiritual leaders, and open their hearts to know You. Lord, reveal Your righteousness to the nations, let today be the day of salvation for one of the spiritual leaders of the {TARGET}.

I ask for dreams and visions and powerful encounters with Your spirit, that would offer undeniable evidence that You alone are God. Let him shout the news of Your son from all the high places, and open a gateway to the {TARGET} for the Good News!

Break down the deception that clouds his mind from Your truth, and release the revelation needed to embrace Christ as his Savior. Cause his life to be a powerful testimony of Your truth and redemption. In Jesus name, amen.

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