Protection for {TARGET} Against Opposition

Protection for {TARGET} Against Opposition

Scripture: The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes. -Psalms 41:2

Prayer: Lord, You have the name that is above all names. You are Lord forever and there is no one who can challenge Your authority and power. You rule for ever and ever, and there is no end to Your Kingdom.

Lord, I ask that you would deliver {me,me,us} from the oppression of the enemy. Cause Your angels Lord to encamp around {me,me,us} and keep {me,me,us} from the evil one.

I agree with Your Word Lord, that no weapon, scheme or plan formed against {me,me,us} will prosper. Lord You have promised to protect and preserve {my,my,our} {life,life,lives} and to not surrender it to the desire of {my,my,our} foes. I stand against the accusations, and schemes that confront {me,me,us} today, and apply the provision that Jesus has made for {my,my,our} freedom.

Surround {me,me,us} Lord with Your presence, and cause {my,my,our} {heart,heart,hearts} to rejoice in Your nearness. In Jesus name, amen,

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