Anointing Workers
Intro: All ministry effort is vain unless it is anointed by God. When God adds His power to our efforts, then things happen, and hearts are changed.
Scripture: The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. -Luke 4:18
Prayer: Lord, You have the name that is above all names. You are Lord forever and there is no one who can challenge Your authority and power. You rule for ever and ever, and there is no end to Your Kingdom.
Lord, anoint those working with the {TARGET} with wisdom and insight to reach out to the poor and needy. Enable them to put Your truth in a form that can be easily understood. Anoint their words with power to penetrate hearts.
Open the ears of those who hear, and make the Good news of Your son Jesus, real to them. Lord, Your heart is near to the poor and oppressed, anoint Your servants, to represent You as Lord and Savior of the {TARGET}.