Stir {TARGET} with Disappointment
Intro: People need a good reason to stop believing one thing and start believing something else. Ask God to reveal to them the shortcomings of their current beliefs, so their hearts will be open for His truth.
Scripture: But where are your gods which you made for yourself? Let them arise, if they can save you in the time of your trouble; -Jeremiah 2:28
Prayer: Lord, there is no other God besides You, a righteous God and a Savior; There is none except You. You are the only God that never disappoints, You are always faithful, and always true.
I bring {TARGET} before you now, and I ask Lord that You would reveal the shortcomings of {THEIR} gods. Challenge the impostors and show them to be silent idols. Lord, I ask for a demonstration so that {TARGET} could see the impotence of that which {THEY} {believes,believes,believe} in.
Stir a deep disappointment in {THEIR} {heart,heart,hearts} and cause {THEM} to question {THEIR} devotion. Break {THEM} free from {THEIR} dependence on this false belief system, and make room in {THEIR} {heart,heart,hearts} for You. In Jesus name, amen.
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