Help of the Angels
Scripture: Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? -Hebrews 1:14
Prayer: Lord You are the God of all creation, You spoke and the heavens were formed. You are the God high and lifted up and the God who is intimately acquainted with all our ways.
Lord I thank You for making us heirs with Christ and adopting us into Your kingdom. I lift up {TARGET} to You Lord, and ask for Your divine help today. Lord the world, the flesh, and the devil are all working against {TARGET} and {THEY} {needs,needs,need} Your help.
I ask for Your ministering angels to be dispatched to {THEIR} aid today. Commission them Lord to stand between {TARGET} and the opposition {THEY} {faces,faces,face}. Command the angels Lord, to do battle on behalf of {TARGET}, and deliver {THEM} from {THEIR} current struggle into victory.
Lord, Your angels rejoiced the day {TARGET} accepted Your salvation, now I ask that they would battle on {THEIR} behalf, that the good work You have begun in and through {TARGET} would be completed. In Jesus name.