Scripture: “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.” -Matthew 14:1
Prayer: Lord, how awesome are Your deeds! There is no one who is mighty like You. You are Lord over all the nations of the earth. You have made the heavens, the earth and everything on it, the seas and all that is in them. Let the whole earth be filled with Your glory.
Lord, this disaster has left many people hurt and wounded. I bring them now before Your throne of mercy and compassion. A touch from You is what they need Jesus. I ask Lord, that You would reach out and touch them today. Lord, as I touch my chest now, I ask that You would touch a victim in {TARGET}, and heal them.
Raise up someone right now Lord that has been injured in this crisis, breathe strength and life back into their body. Return a father back to his family or a child back to his mother.
Stand in their midst Lord and reach out with Your healing touch to restore and resurrect. Demonstrate Your love, compassion and power Lord and make a testimony for Your name in this place. That Your name, Jesus, might be high and lifted up.