Give us Compassion
Scripture: “The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.” -Psalms 145:9
Prayer: Lord, You are the God of all the living. Everything we see was created by Your hands, and when You finished, You said, “It is Good.” Corruption has tainted Your creation, but Your heart of compassion has not been tainted. You are the God of mercy and compassion, and Your love endures forever.
I ask Lord, that you would stir compassion in the hearts of Christians everywhere to reach out and help the people of {TARGET} during this crisis.
Stir Your church Lord to shine with the light of Your compassion at this hour of need, let Your heart burn in us Lord to be Your hands and feet at this time. Compel us Lord by Your compassion to do something for those who are cast down and needy.
Let the world see who You are through Your people, as we step into the gap and touch these needs in Jesus name. Give courage to those who should go, and generosity to those who should give, and perseverance to those who pray. Bless Your Body Lord to represent You as the God of all compassion. In Jesus name, amen.